Decarbonizing power generation with minimal modifications

Mitsubishi Power's hydrogen firing technology enables power plant owners to decarbonize their existing Gas Turbine Combined Cycle (GTCC) plants by converting them to hydrogen co-firing, or even making them 100% hydrogen firing in the future. With minimal modifications, Mitsubishi Power supports the transition process by identifying key preparatory and operational steps necessary to decarbonize generation plants while working with customers to create a roadmap for reducing CO₂ emissions.


An optimized roadmap tailored to your circumstances

Mitsubishi Power works with its customers to draw up a roadmap for the reduction of CO₂ emissions by transitioning to be capable of blending hydrogen as a fuel, and eventually to operating on hydrogen alone. The process will involve in-depth analysis of the solutions required to implement the conversion of the existing GTCC to run on hydrogen. Specifically, Mitsubishi Power aligns with the customer's circumstances to propose a phased modification plan that covers combustors, fuel systems, control systems, and other elements of the existing GTCC plant.

right:workers discuss something left:workers examine the monitor
 right:workers discuss something left:workers examine the monitor

Technical excellence backed up by extensive experience dating back to the 1970s

Owing to more than 3.5 million hours of operations on fuels containing hydrogen across 29 units since the 1970s, Mitsubishi Power has positioned itself at the forefront of this technology as handling hydrogen as a fuel needs substantial experience and know how.

actual Combustion Test for National Project
actual Combustion Test for National Project

Mitsubishi Power is working relentlessly to develop technologies to convert existing Gas Turbine Power Plants' fuel from natural gas to hydrogen. By switching fuel from natural gas to 30% hydrogen mix by volume, it is possible to reduce a gas turbine's carbon emission by around 10%. Mitsubishi Power is currently developing dry low NOx combustion technology for 100% hydrogen firing and targeting March 2025 for the rig tests completion which will be a monumental step towards the goal of carbon-free gas turbines.

a graph of Co₂ emission
a graph of Co₂ emission

Experienced by leading hydrogen conversion projects around the world

More recently, Mitsubishi Power has joined multiple projects in Europe as well as globally which are planning to convert existing gas turbine power plants for blended and full hydrogen. Mitsubishi Power has also received an order from a new construction project in the US which is planning to commence operations with hydrogen-ready turbines.

